How to Work From Home With Kids

More recently, many parents have entered or are entertaining the work from home job market. For many, it is the dream opportunity. For others, it is not as appealing.

The truth is, working at home can be a pleasant experience, and offer a variety of opportunities to be productive and work at your optimal capability. However, when kids are added to the equation, things can easily become more challenging. By nature, children require constant attention, interaction and time. Your morning conference call or daily work responsibilities, tend to be the least of their concerns.

So, the questions is: How do you balance working from home and meeting your kids needs successfully? Here’s are some proven strategies that will help you manage work and family commitments as well as accomplish more during your day.

Create a Daily Schedule

Initially, it might be a bit challenging to make a schedule that you can stick with it due to the unexpected and unpredictable nature of parenting. However, it will be essential to incorporate some degree of  structure into your work at home day. This is will require taking the time to figure out your ideal day and creating a time schedule that is consistent with your daily goals. By introducing a schedule or regimen to your children, it will slowly but surely start to set the pace for your day as well as provide your kids with a much needed routine. A simple way to start this process would be getting a planner or making daily schedule sheet. Here’s a free template that you might find helpful. Remember, flexibility and patience will be essentials as you navigate through your schedule. If you stick with it and adapt when necessary, it will work out in the long run. And although, hiccups come along with the territory-they’re not permanent fixtures. You got this, mom!

Nap Time Is a Must

If your kids are still at napping age, then they definitely should have a standing daily snooze appointment. One of the best perks about naptime is the window of opportunity it will provide you to get work done uninterrupted. You can utilize this time to complete tasks that require more attention to detail. This may offer an opportune time to schedule calls or work on projects while your kiddos are asleep. Click here for more nap time tips.

If your kids are passed the nap taking stage, then encourage them to play quietly or provide them with quiet activities: coloring, reading, writing, and printables. Click here for more free activities and resources  you might find useful. Some parents have a “go to” box of toys and books that they bring out especially for quiet time. Quiet play time can become a valuable period of the day, as kids get to play with special activities and toys. The limited availability of these special items will keep them interesting and enticing.

Avoid the temptation of integrating these items with their regular play time toys. Make sure to treat this time like gold and utilize the time to address tasks that require your full attention.

Keep in mind, there might be days when your forced to wrap your day up early and complete work once your children go to bed at the close of the day or get a jump on your work day before they wake up. Click here for tips for work at home  moms with infants and toddlers.

Designate a Dedicated Workspace

Most work from home parents find they work best with a separate home office or work space to avoid distractions. Here are more tips on creating an efficient workspace.

For most working at home parents of small children, sequestering to home office all day will most likely not be a practical option. It might be more conducive to set up a pretend work space in your office for your children. Give them a mini desk stocked with kid-friendly office supplies: old keyboard, washable pens, pencils, marker board; Encourage them work in the room with you. You’ll probably not be able to complete work day with this strategy, but it might afford you more time than you’d expect and makes your kids feel valued  in the process.

Utilize Technology for Learning

Technology can be a work at home moms closest friends. By no means would I suggest planting your kids in front of a computer, iPad or television all day. Inasmuch, technology can be useful in providing a learning or creative outlet for your children. There are a host of online education resources and televised academic programming options. Technology is the gateway to a variety of virtual education resources. Here’s a link to plethora of free online resources for kids. Utilizing technology and educational televised resources can provide a helpful distraction. The key is using these modalities in moderation. Children are smart  and can become bored with anything in excess.

Take Time Outs

Take time out to give children them much needed attention. Spend time intermittently playing , talking and positively engaging with them throughout your work day. You’d be surprised how beneficial ample work breaks can be for you and children’s well-being. It reinforces meaningful engagement with your children as well as gives you time to take a breather. Something as simple as making a pitcher of lemonade, whipping up fresh smoothie and going outside for fresh air can make a world of difference in the course of your day. Additionally, taking the time to praise and reward your children for their positive actions will promote and encourage continued good behavior.

Meal Prep

Planning nutritious yummy meals for the week might require some time on the front end, but can be a tremendous help throughout the week. If you’re not fully accustomed to meal prepping or find the idea overwhelming, start small!  Try making a 1-2 meals for a couple days and go from there.  The key will be finding what works for you. The good news there are no strict rules or guidelines when it comes to preparing food for the week. It may take a little time and trial and error to identify what’s most ideal for your work schedule. Eventually, you’ll figure out what works best for your children. Here are some quick and nutritious meal prep tips and options. You can also research kid-friendly meal prep online or find ideas in your local library.

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