Body Language & Career Success

Research reveals that 55% of communication consist of body language. Inasmuch, a great deal if the effectiveness of career goals and progress depends on how individuals communicate by way of body language.

Body language can be defined as the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements, such as: facial expressions, motions, posture, eye movements, use of space and tone of voice. For example, when you’re speaking with another person, tilting your head slightly sideways can indicate that you’re interested in what the other person has to say. On the other hand, nonverbal cues such as crossing arms and slouching can be perceived as defensive or indicate that you’re not interested in the conversation.

Nonverbal messages are equally as important as verbal messages. As such, it can be highly beneficial to practice self-awareness as well as to be mindful of our body language cues.

Individuals often report having difficulty maintaining a calm demeanor or presence during challenging conversations or difficult interactions. In these cases, taking deep breaths, being mindful of inner dialogue and pacing conversation.. When all else fails, breathe slowly, relax your mind and your body will have no choice but to follow.

The following are good practices to ensure effective body language and nonverbal communication during interviews or in public speaking scenarios:

– Keep good posture, stand straight with shoulders back.

– Practice breathing techniques.

– Prepare and rehearse your responses along with facial and body gestures.

– Control your hands.

– Restrain nervous habits.

Additionally, you may benefit from strengthening your back to improve your overall posture. Here are some exercises that might help.

Lack of confidence is one of the commonly reported reasons for poor body language or difficulty carrying out effective nonverbal communication.  According to Amy Cuddy an expert in body language, when you pretend to be powerful—you actually feel more powerful. Amy Cuddy is well-known for TED Talk: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are, in which she details the role of body language in confidence and success. Watch it here:


Some of the key points are:

1. Posture affects and shapes behaviors.

2. Act powerful and you will become powerful.

3. Fake it until you make it!

Studies have proven that individuals with low confidence or self-esteem who practice high power poses gradually start to assimilate with the attitude of confidence that is associated with power moves and posture.

Here are some of the “High Power” body language poses Amy Cuddy recommends:

The following are additional proven tips for posturing yourself for success and increasing confidence:

1. Smile- Smiling can definitely make you appear happy and confident. On the
contrary, excessive smiling can make you appear submissive or disingenuine,
if done in excess or exaggerated. The key is to smile with purpose or when the
moment calls for it. You will appear more socially confident and focused when
you smile for a reason. Be mindful and use discretion.

2. Eye Contact- Eye contact helps to increase trust among social contacts. It
helps for form connections, as well as aids you appearing more authentic.
When you appear more confident and you will gain greater confidence from
others. Use your eyes to project a positive image.

3. Listen and Respond to others with Receptiveness- Show that you are
listening actively by aiming you body towards the person you are speaking to.
Turning your body the opposite direction sends the message that you are
distracted or not interested in what they have to say. Turning toward the
person you are communicating with demonstrates that you are an engaged
and confident listener.

Still not quite sure where you stand with your body language? Here are a few assessment tools  you might find helpful.

Body Language Test

Body Language Quiz

Body Language Assessment

Please share your comments and feedback about body language or thoughts expressed in this posts below.

Watch Power ToFly Chat & Learn “Body Language as the Key To Success” Video here:



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