Top Women’s Tech Start-Ups in 2022

Welcome to the future of women’s tech. Tech is one of the fastest growing industries, and it has been for some time. There are so many different types of opportunities for women in this field, which means that now more than ever there are great options for you as well. We have selected some top female-led start-ups in 2022 that will show you how far we’ve come and what kind of opportunities are available today.


CodeHive is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., that teaches women how to code and helps them succeed. Their core programs are free of charge, and they work with local communities to provide resources for the people who need it most. Since 2019, CodeHive has helped over 250 women learn how to code through their free online courses and one-on-one mentorship program. This number is only going up as time goes on! With more than 20 years worth of industry experience under its belt, CodeHive has made significant contributions towards closing gender gaps in science fields such as computer science or engineering by providing accessible education opportunities for aspiring young professionals looking for career advice from experts within their field or simply interested learners seeking new challenges within this growing industry


The latest start-up from Victoria Lee, a former NASA engineer and founder of Moonlab, is focused on making space travel safer and more efficient. The company has developed a smart suit that will enable astronauts to walk on the moon without additional equipment.

Rose Robotics

This robotics company was founded by Dr. Beverly Malinowski, an expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning who worked at NASA for over 30 years before leaving to join Google’s robotics department as its chief scientist. Her vision is to use robots as a way to get food into space more efficiently than sending humans using rockets or space shuttles.


This social network application allows users to meet new people through their shared interests—whether those interests are in sports or art—and then offers users opportunities based on those interests that they may find appealing but don’t usually take advantage of because they don’t know anyone else who shares those interests with them. The app also offers users the chance to connect with others who share their interests and then suggests events or activities that they can all go together.


Shetastic is a platform that connects women in tech with each other, mentors, funding and more. Shetastic was founded in 2018 by Sarah E. Smith who is also the CEO of the company. The platform connects female entrepreneurs from all over the world with each other to help them grow their businesses. It also provides them support on how to get funding and access to other resources they need as well as connecting them with mentors who can give advice on how best to run your business or company


HerTech is a global network of women in tech. They host events, workshops and meetups around the world—and provide a mentorship program for women looking to join the tech industry. HerTech has over 5,000 members in 80 countries! It’s also proven to be a great resource for women who are looking for a supportive community of women in tech. They host events, workshops and meetups around the world—and provide mentorship programs for women looking to join the tech industry.


FemTech is a community for women in tech. It’s an inclusive group of women who are passionate about technology and want to be part of a community that fosters growth and collaboration.
FemTech members are encouraged to share their ideas, learn from each other and build their careers together.

The Female Founder Project

The Female Founder Project is a non-profit organization that helps women in tech. If you’re a woman who wants to start a business, they can help you get funding and advice. They also help women find jobs in tech and they help them find mentors.

They also have events where you can meet other women in tech. The Female Founder Project is a non-profit organization that helps women in tech. If you’re a woman who wants to start a business, they can help you get funding and advice.

The women’s tech start-ups that make this list are not just a bold reminder of the capabilities of women, they also show how much the world has changed. A few decades ago, it would have been impossible to find a woman who was leading a tech start-up. Nowadays, we see women taking the lead in technology more than ever before and making incredible innovations that will help change our lives forever.

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